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Para volver a la Revista Arbil nº 106
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Visualiza la realidad de un aborto. Rompe la conspiración que quiere ocultarlo. El aborto no es un problema abstracto. Es un asesinato sangriento. Qué la gente lo vea. Bájalo y difúndelo
España no tiene futuro sin españoles.
¡No la pongas en manos de quienes los matan!

Los abortos legales realizados en España durante el periodo de Felipe González desde el 5 de Julio de 1985 (sanción de Juan Carlos I) hasta el 5 de Mayo de 1996 (Toma de posesión de Aznar) fueron 359.624.

Los abortos legales realizados durante la presidencia de José María Aznar desde el 6 de Mayo de 1996 (Primer día de gobierno) hasta el 17 de Abril de 2004 (Toma de posesión de Rodríguez) fueron 511.429

(Fuente: Subdirección General de Promoción de la Salud y Epidemiología)

El Prof. Maciej Giertych, MEP, rompe el "discurso cultural dominante" del sistema

por Redacción

Cuando recordar la verdad histórica escandaliza a los pacatos. Los eurodiputados españoles quedan como lo que son al dejar el papel que debían ejercer en manos de un valiente polaco sin respetos humanos

Parlement européen . ASP 3F158 rue Wiertz 60 B-1047 Bruxelles, Belgique

70 years after General Franco's coup d'état in Spain (debate)  Tuesday 4 July 2006 - Strasbourg

Mr. President, colleagues!

The fact that today in central and western Europe we have democracy, civic freedoms, private property and tolerance is a consequence of the fact that communism did not overtake this continent. But it could have done so! In Eastern Europe communism was blocked by the victorious Polish defense against the invading Bolshevik army in 1920 and by the resistance of Catholic Poland against the imposed Soviet domination. That communism did not overtake Western Europe is to a large extent the result of the victorious civil war of traditional Spain against a communist government. The Spanish left, even though it obtained power by a democratic process, behaved similarly as in Bolshevik Russia. The main attack was directed against the Church. Almost seven thousand clergymen were murdered. Churches were desecrated. Roadside crosses and figures of saints were shot at. This attack on traditional Spain met with an immediate reaction of traditional forces. Communist Spain was helped by International Brigades organized by Bolshevik Russia. Following the communist mode, both the army and the government were totally infiltrated by party units and its secret services. Thanks to the Spanish right, to the Spanish army and its commanders, and in particular thanks to gen. Francisco Franco, the communist attack on Catholic Spain was thwarted. By this fact also the spread of the communist plague to other countries was prevented. The presence in European politics of such people as Franco, Salazar and de Valera guaranteed the maintenance of traditional values in Europe. We lack such statesmen today.

It is sad to say that today we observe a historical revisionism, which depends on the presentation in an unfavorable light of everything traditional and Catholic and in a favorable light of everything laic and socialist. Let us not forget. Nazism in Germany and fascism in Italy had also socialist and atheistic roots. The strength of the socialist and anti-Catholic block in this house is source of much concern. We had an example of this last month when voting on the documents on tolerance and on the 7th framework program. Christian Europe is loosing against the socialist and atheistic one. This has to change!

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Visualiza la realidad del aborto: Baja el video
Video mostrando la realidad del aborto
Rompe la conspiración de silencio. Difúndelo.


Para volver a la Revista Arbil nº 106
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La página quiere ser un instrumento para el servicio de la dignidad del hombre fruto de su transcendencia y filiación divina

"ARBIL, Anotaciones de Pensamiento y Crítica", es editado por el Foro Arbil

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Foro Arbil

Inscrita en el Registro Nacional de Asociaciones. N.I.F. G-47042954 Correos 990
50080 Zaragoza (España)

ISSN: 1697-1388